MIDI Made Music for Windows Preview Version 2.0 For Microsoft Windows 3.1 and above Copyright (C) 1994 LLERRAH Inc. LLERRAH Inc.'s MIDI Made Music for Windows plays music on your PC sound board in background while you work in Windows. This preview version includes the full featured animated Jukebox player. Special features include: * Plays MIDI, Wave, Microsoft Video and CD-Audio formats * Create song and video clips using custom edit feature * Assign individualized ICONS to music selections * Create personal play lists of your favorite selections * Speed up or slow down songs by changing Tempo * Random and Repeat play * Drag and Drop Support * Add your own selections to the Jukebox Order the full release of MIDI Made Music for Windows for $29 and get the following: * 200 Music Selections (170 MIDI, 30 WAV) providing over 5 hours of Music * Music selections include Classics from the Movies, Childrens, Joplin Rags, Folk, Holiday, Religious, and Original Rock, Jazz and Pop. * Animated Jukebox player that can hold 5000 of your own MIDI, Wave, and Microsoft Video for Windows files. To order send check or money order for $29.00 to: (See ORDERFRM.TXT) LLERRAH Inc. 2701 W. 15th St. Suite 631 Plano, TX 75075 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following equipment is required to use MIDI Made Music for Windows: - Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or above - Sound Board or MIDI devices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: 1. Create a directory on your hard disk. (We suggest C:\MIDIMADE) 2. Copy all of the files into this directory. 3. Go to the Windows Program Manager and select File - New, Program Item. 4. Enter the following: Description: Jukebox Command Line: c:\midimade\jukebox.exe Working Directory: c:\midimade 5. Double-Click on the Icon to start MIDI Made Music for Windows Preview Version. The following file list is included with MIDI Made Music for Windows Preview Version: JUKEBOX.EXE - MIDI Made Music Jukebox Player Program JUKEBOX.HLP - Help file MIDIMADE.DAT - Data file JUKEICO.DLL - ICON file ORDERFRM.TXT - Order Form to obtain Full Version README.TXT - The file you are currently reading BARBERO.WAV - The Barber of Seville Wave Clip GETDOWN.WAV - Get Down, Pops Wave Clip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use Microsoft's MIDI Mapper: All the MIDI songs files in MIDI Made Music for Windows Preview Version were designed to be played using Microsoft's MIDI Mapper. You should always use the MIDI Mapper when playing any of the MIDI Made Music for Windows songs. One point to remember when working with the MIDI Mapper is that all MIDI Made Music songs contain two performances of the same song in one file. You will need to have either channels 1 through 10 active for extended level sound cards (like Advanced Gravis) or channels 13 through 16 active for base level sound cards (like Sound Blaster Pro or Media Vision Pro AudioSpectrum 16). You do not want to have all channels active when playing MIDI Made Music since this might result in a less than desirable sound. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDI Made Music, MIDI Made Music for Windows, and MIDI Made Jukebox are trademarks of LLERRAH, Inc. All MIDI song arrangements included are Copyright (C) 1994 LLERRAH, Inc. All rights reserved. MIDI Made Music for Windows cannot be changed or modified in any way except by LLERRAH, Inc. The MIDI Made Music for Windows Preview Version may be freely distributed so long as all files are included and no money is charged. LLERRAH Inc. develops Windows based Multimedia software and custom MIDI songs to meet individual, business, and educational needs. For more information contact: LLERRAH Inc. 2701 W. 15th St. Suite 631 Plano, TX 75075 (214) 422-1122 EMAIL Addresses: Compuserve: 75260,1524 America Online: LLERRAH Internet: LLERRAH@aol.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------